Tuesday 18 March 2014

Magazine Review Page

This is the final draft of my magazine review page, I hope you like it!

Film Poster

After having consulted my focus group, this was the finalised product for the film poster

Friday 7 March 2014

Evaluation - What have you learned from audience feedback?

For our evaluation we did three questions as a group (this being one of them). We felt this was easier as throughout the production process we had made decisions as a group. We combined all of our ideas and created a final cut video for each question excluding the ancillary question. 

Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For our evaluation we did three questions as a group (this being one of them). We felt this was easier as throughout the production process we had made decisions as a group. We combined all of our ideas and created a final cut video for each question excluding the ancillary question. 

Evaluation - In what ways did you use, develop, and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our evaluation we did three questions as a group (this being one of them). We felt this was easier as throughout the production process we had made decisions as a group. We combined all of our ideas and created a final cut video for each question excluding the ancillary question. 

Monday 24 February 2014

Magazine Review Page

Here is the latest version of my review page, I may make a few adjustments here and there, but I feel that this is near enough completed.