Monday 21 October 2013

Short Film Research - Virus

Whilst watching 'Virus' the expanse of space surrounding the protagonist made his vulnerability and isolation apparent. It seems that this is a common convention of short horror films, using a big expanse of space to dwarf a victim not only makes an eerie tension in the film but also creates an atomosphere with the viewer. I also noticed a lack of dialogue throughout the film which helped with building a tension, this is because the audience cannot make a connection with the protagonist due to there being no speach or call for help. However, as the audience we know that something will happen due to the focus being directly on one person and the knowledge that we're watching a horror film. The concept of lonliness and silence is further emphasized by the phone line being disconnected which completely isolates him from the outside world or any means of help. This is a common code of short films which increases the tension and atmosphere throughout the clip.

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