Wednesday 6 November 2013

Screenplay Changes

Our screen play has gone through a few changes in the 2 drafts we have presented. The first being the method of communication between Veronica and her friend, in the first draft you will notice that we use a phone as a form of communication. However, we found that this could become difficult whilst filming due to limitations with space and time, we also wanted to reduce dialogue throughout the film. This is because a code and convention that we have noticed in horror films is little dialogue, this creates more of an eerie tension for the audience which is something we want to portray in our production.

Another change we made was the murder weapon, originally we had thought of using a knife. However, we began brainstorming and realized that a knife may seem to much of a cliche weapon, so we opted for a shovel. Not only did this prop link in well with the film it also enables us to add a new element to the production. A majority of the murders 'screentime' is outside therefore it makes sense for him to have a shovel due to his surroundings. Not only is a shovel a unique option for a weapon it is also easier to use for filming and aids us in having a good ending to our film.

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